Actions from PPG meeting 30.9.21

Posted by: Safia - Posted on:

Patient Participation Group Meeting  

30  September 2021


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Role of PPG – see Health watch summary below.
  3. Overview of the last 18 months working under Covid restrictions
  4. Patient survey 2021
  1. Getting through to the GP practice by phone
  2. Finding our receptionist helpful
  3. Satisfaction with GP appointment times
  4. Speaking to a preferred GP
  5. Being offered a choice of appointments
  6. Satisfaction with the appointment being offered
  7. Support from local services and organisations to help manage long term conditions
  1. Agree action plan
  2. Staffing updates
  3. AOB
  1. Social media
  2. Automated appointment booking
  3. Primary Care Networks and shared staff
  4. Next meeting


NumberIssueActionResponsible forDate to feedbackAction taken
1Flu vaccines delayed and not communicated. Patient called in and told no appointments then received text 2 days later.Put messages onto telephone recording ie if you are ringing about the flu vaccine please be aware that delivery has been delayed….Website was updated to give this message.Annen/a
2Telephone – long wait on holdPut telephone calls stats onto website. Raise awareness via website and newsletter of busy times. Work towards policy that non appointment calls are answered outside of busy periods.Anne and Dr WasanDec 21
3Patients calling asking practice to chase hospital appointments on their behalf.Communicate with patients via telephone message that they are to phone hospitals directly. Put message onto websiteAnneOctober 21
4Feeling that reception staff are less empathetic and understanding over recent period.Whole practice meeting on 7 October 21. To discuss. Ongoing patient service training and development plansAnne and Dr WasanOctober 21
5Local community services and charitable services are not widely communicated.Work with Social Prescriber and update website with information for patients. Practice staff to be aware of where they can signpost patients to.AnneDec 21
6Role of nursing and HCA staff unclearUpdate via newsletter role of Nurse and HCA’s and what they do within GP practice and what is outside their remit.AnneDec 21

Purpose of a PPG:

  1. To give patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and

discuss topics of mutual interest.

  1. To provide a means for patients to become more involved and make

suggestions about the healthcare services they receive.

  1. To explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys,

contribute to actions plans and help monitor improvements.

  1. To contribute feedback to the practice on National Patient Survey

results and Friends and Family Test feedback to propose

developments or change.

  1. To support health awareness and patient education.