Early Start Ealing 0 -19 years service
In response to COVID -19 the universal Health Visiting and School Nursing services changed their offer in line with the NHSE and NHSI guidance and to reduce the risk of infection to staff and families by reducing some of our services.
Due to the continuing high rates of covid infection in the community and high number of health visitor vacancies, we are reviewing our service delivery regularly. Our current service delivery position from the 16th August 2021 is as follows:-
Continued stepped down of all antenatal contacts. Ex-pectant parents will receive a letter with the necessary information.
We have returned to offer face to face appointments for all New Birth assessments to take place in the home. There may be some universal new birth appointment offered in clinic.
Families who are being offered an enhanced service will be followed up at the 6-8 week review with a face to face appointment. Universal families will be contacted by tele-phone for a welfare check at 4-6 weeks .
The 1 and 2 year development reviews are completed by combination of either video or face to face contact.
We have continued to offer care and support to vulnerable children (London Continuum of Need levels 2-4) through-out the pandemic and there has been no change. Infant feeding support including breastfeeding support has con-tinued to be provided and there has been no change. We are offering virtual sessions to parents on introduction to solids (weaning).
We have a duty line (single point of contact) that now op-erates Monday to Friday 9-5pm where any local partner can refer or raise a concern about a child or family as well as directing clients to telephone or email. Tel: 0208 102 5888, Email: clcht.ealingadminhub@nhs.net. We have ap-pointment only clinics and these are face to face contacts for children with faltering growth, feeding issues or other concerns.
We are still taking referrals for families requiring support in areas such as behaviour, fussy eating, parenting.
The Child Healthy weight team continue to provide packag-es of care to our children and families virtually and we are reviewing this offer regularly.
Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) and School nurse team is continuing to offer both face to face and virtual contact.
Meet Ellie Gabriel who has taken up the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Homevisiting (MECSH) supervisor post.
“I am a qualified children’s nurse and health visitor by background and have also spent some time working as a children’s safeguarding nurse.
For those of you who don’t know about the MECSH programme, it is essentially an enhanced health vis-iting service for vulnerable families at risk of poor outcomes and par-ents can engage voluntarily.
Clients are usually picked up in pregnancy and the programme is offered until the child is 2 years old with a focus on prevention and early intervention.
Examples of families typically referred to the programme include those with mental health problems, Asylum Seekers, vulnerable young parents and parents who experienced difficult or traumatic childhood’s themselves”.
The MECSH Referral Criteria is as follows:-
Pregnant Mother or has a baby under 8 weeks old living in the Borough of Ealing
Vulnerable antenatal client
History of adverse childhood experiences
Family violence/domestic abuse
Vulnerable young parent (and not on FNP programme)
Current or historic social services involvement
Parental mental health problems
Complex health needs
Alcohol/substance misuse
Refugee/Asylum Seeker/No recourse to public funds
Late pregnancy booking
The above list is not exhaustive and if you are working with a client who does not meet the above criteria but you feel would benefit from additional support through the MECSH programme then please complete the below referral regardless clearly identifying why you feel the family need the service.
For more information about the MECSH programme or to discuss your referral please contact us via email.
Email: clcht.ealing.mecsh@nhs.net
Speech and Language
Therapy advice line email
for queries or concerns
‘Any family or professional
(including GPs!) can get in touch with the Ealing Speech
and Language Therapy team via our advice line email address
(ealing.sltadvice@nhs.net). We are very happy to
speak to families or professionals about their concerns and
give advice about any child aged between 0-18.
Speaking another language-good for communication
‘Speaking more than one language is a huge advantage and
should be celebrated. Learning more than one language is
not confusing for children-even if they have speech, language
or communication needs. Parents should talk to their
children in the language they feel most confident and comfortable.
This is so they give children the best example of
language to learn from. Please keep advising parents to talk
in the language they feel most confident and comfortablethey
don’t need to stop talking in their home language!’
The Paediatric Dysphagia Speech and Language Therapy
Service has changed it’s referral criteria. We can no longer
offer assessment for the cohort of children who have aversive
restrictive feeding difficulties. This includes children
who present with a diet of limited food items, neophobic
responses to new foods or rejecting foods because of texture,
taste and appearance variation.
The current evidence indicates that children with this type
of feeding difficulty require a collaborative interdisciplinary
approach including occupational health, dietitian, pediatrician,
psychologist and speech and language therapist. Ealing
Services for Children with additional needs currently does
not offer this provision though there is a recognised clinical
need for ongoing input and support for families in this area.
If we receive a referral for a child where these needs are
noted we will complete a telephone triage to ensure there
are no communication difficulties, dysphagia needs or risks
of aspiration and then discharge them from our service. We
may signpost families to other support from their Health
visitor or Early Start SEND Inclusion Team.
Training Modules for School Staff
The training is for school staff such as Head teachers, SENCOs,
Welfare Assistants, and First Aiders. It is advised that school
staff should attend this training annually.
The training consists of :-
Training Module One and Two Discussing the implementation
of the medical policy and managing medical emergencies and
content of training includes:-
Supporting the school with individual healthcare plans for specific
and complex health issues
Medicines management
Interactive case studies / issues
Two sessions will be offered on each day. Only one session
needs to be attended.
24th September 2021 13:30 to 15:00hrs or 15.30 to 17:00hrs
21st October 2021 – 13.30 to 15.00hrs; 15.30 to 17.00hrs
19th November 2021 – 13.30 to 15.00hrs; 15.30 to 17.00hrs
17th March 2022 – 13.30 to 15.00hrs; 15.30 to 17.00hrs
24th June 2022 – 13.30 to 15.00hrs; 15.30 to 17.00hrs
To book the session, please email school nurse team email
address: clcht.ealingschoolnurseteam@nhs.net
Reimagining Health Visitor Clinical Model
Following an in-depth programme of work CLCH has developed
a new clinical model for the safe delivery of care to children
and families across our geographical areas light of a London
wide shortage of Health Visitors.
The major change in this new model is that we are increasing
our band 5 community staff nurses who will be supporting the
health visitors in the delivery of Multip universal antenatal
contacts, multip universal new birth visits and multip universal
6-8 weeks reviews.
An extensive training programme has been developed to support
the staff nurses transition into these new delegated responsibilities.
Any questions about the clinical model and restoration of
health visiting and school nursing services to arrange a telephone/
teams discussion., please contact :-
Irene Sanyauke – Ealing Early Start 0-19 Service – Strategic &
Operational Lead (CBU Manager)
Email: Irene.sanyauke@nhs.net Tel:07776670909
Duty Advice Line– for Ealing 0-19 service ( health visiting
and school nursing teams)
Parents and professionals can contact our teams such as
health visitors and school nurses by contacting our duty line:
Tel: 0208 102 5888
or ealingadminhub@nhs.net
The duty advice line is open Monday to
Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm